Specialist Periodontics and Dental Implants


+What is periodontitis?

Periodontitis is a form of gum disease which results in breakdown of the gum attachment and bone support that holds the teeth into the jawbones. While it is often asymptomatic, particularly in early stages, a recent study (1) revealed that around 30% of Australian adults suffer from moderate or severe periodontitis. The damage that the disease causes is generally irreversible, and in advanced cases, often results in the loss of some or all teeth. Like many chronic diseases, there is currently no cure for periodontitis, but with early detection and appropriate management, in most cases it can be stabilised and managed to minimise or prevent tooth loss. Periodontitis has been linked to a number of medical conditions, including diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

(1) www.aihw.gov.au, National Study of Adult Oral Health 2017-18

+Why see a periodontal specialist?

In most patients, gum disease is largely preventable, and the best way to minimise the risk of developing gum disease is through regular checkups and good oral hygiene. In many cases, gum disease can be treated by your dentist and/or dental hygienist/therapist. However, in more advanced cases, or in patients whose disease is unresponsive to initial treatment, specialist treatment is often required in order to further manage the condition. This treatment may involve non-surgical or surgical treatment, and will depend on the individual condition, as well as patient risk factors. Regardless of the type of treatment, a key part of managing periodontitis is professional maintenance. After treatment has been completed, your periodontist will work together with your dental practice to arrange a program appropriate to your condition, consisting of regular examination and hygiene (scale and clean), as well as reviews with the specialist as required. If you are referred to Melbourne Street Perio to manage your gum disease, don’t panic. Your dental team have determined that you require specialised treatment in order to get the best results, and we will work with you and the dental practice to ensure a personalised approach to your periodontal care.

While some general dentists can perform implant surgery, a majority of cases are referred to specialists, due to the specialised skills and knowledge required to deliver this treatment to the highest standard. If your dentist refers you to Melbourne Street Perio for implant treatment, you can be assured that we will work closely with the dentist to ensure that your case is planned thoroughly, to minimise the risk of complications. We will perform the surgery and monitor your progress during the healing phase. After confirming that the implant is ready to restore, we will return you to the dentist for construction of the restoration (crown/bridge/denture) that attaches to the top of the implant.

+What to expect at your first appointment

Patients attending for an initial consultation will usually be booked for a 30-40 minute appointment, which will comprise history taking, clinical examination (and any other tests required, including x-rays), explanation of the findings and diagnosis, and a discussion about treatment options. You will be given the opportunity to ask questions and discuss any concerns you may have. Occasionally, further tests such as 3-dimensional imaging will be required, and we will arrange appointments for you to have these completed at a convenient time.

When all the information has been gathered, treatment plans can be formulated, and written confirmation will be provided of the costs and number of appointments involved. A report will be provided for your general dentist, to ensure that they are made aware of your condition and the proposed treatment.

+Fees and Health Funds

We understand that the cost of dental treatment can be a concern for many people, and for this reason, we aim to ensure that patients are fully informed of the costs and the number of appointments of any proposed treatment plan. Printed quotes will be provided, and treatment will only commence after the treatment plans and costs are agreed upon.

The cost of treatment will depend on a number of factors, including the type of treatment, the severity of the condition (e.g. gum disease), the number of appointments and/or length of appointments required, and the materials that need to be used (e.g. implants). This will all be discussed with you at your consultation appointment, and you will have the opportunity to discuss all aspects of your treatment prior to commencing.

The fee for an initial consultation is $250, and this will include any clinical tests and x-rays that can be conducted at our clinic. If further tests such as 3-dimensional imaging or blood tests are required, appointments will be arranged with the relevant providers. For example, there is a radiology practice 100m up Melbourne Street where specialised x-rays can be taken, and our staff will be able to arrange appointments if this is required for your treatment.

Patients with private health insurance may be entitled to rebates on the cost of treatment, depending on the type of policy and the level of cover held. While we are unable to give advice on what the rebate will be, we will always provide the relevant item numbers alongside any quotes/treatment plans, so you’ll be able to discuss this with your health fund. Melbourne Street Perio is a privately-owned small business, and has no affiliation with any of the health funds, so there are no ‘preferred provider’ arrangements in place.

We do offer HICAPS, an electronic health claims and payments system that allows patients to claim private health insurance benefits at the time of payment for the treatment. We also accept payment by credit card, EFTPOS, or cash (though electronic/card payments are preferred, particularly during the ongoing pandemic).


We are here to help. If you have any questions, our friendly reception staff are happy to assist you.